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Integrating many new computer-oriented examples and problems throughout, this modern introduction to quantum chemistry covers quantum mechanics, atomic structure, and molecular electronics, and clearly demonstrates the usefulness and limitations of current quantum-mechanical methods for the calculation of molecular
■ properties. Covers such areas as the Schrödinger Equation, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, hydrogen 大学言語専門参考書 atom, theorems of quantum mechanics, electron spin and the Pauli Principle, the
■ Virial Theorem and the Hellmann-Feynman Theorem, and more. Contains solid presentations of the mathematics needed for quantum chemistry, clearly explaining difficult or subtle points in detail. Offers full, step-by-step examinations of derivations that are easy to follow and understand.
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■ おどろおどろしい の他の不具合に関しまして。
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