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Roland electronic drum kit (with accessory kit pictured in the photos being sold separately).
Included in this set is
■ the basic kit: the frame, three cymbals with three cymbal mounts, kick-pad with pedal plate, drum sound module with connection cables, AC adapter, 1 snare
■ pad and three tom pads with mounts, 2 drum keys, high hat control pedal.
The kit is fairly new and has barely been used. A great set for beginners and intermediates alike. The interface is straightforward and easy to navigate with training features to fine tune timing and precision.
Overall, a
■ pleasure to play and practice on - I am only selling because I am leaving the country soon.
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 楽器・機材 > ドラム > 電子ドラムブランドローランド商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域宮城県
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